September 24, 2021

Implements Integrated Management System, Phapros Wins BUMN Performance Excellence Awards 2021

PT Phapros Tbk, one of the national pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia, has made another achievement in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The company which is also known by the ticker code PEHA, won the Good Performance award for the Business Excellence Achievement Category at the 2021 BUMN Performance Excellence Awards event organized by the Forum Ekselen BUMN on Thursday (23/9).

President Director of Phapros, Hadi Kardoko expressed his appreciation for all employees and stakeholders who continue to work together to improve sustainable and integrated business processes so that Phapros is able to manage business excellence and build competitiveness.

“As a manufacturing industry, an integrated management system is crucial so that we can run our business processes well. In addition to the integrated management system, we also implement continuous improvements to innovate continuously in the midst of intense business competition," Hadi said.

One of the systems implemented in Phapros' business processes is Kriteria Penilaian Kinerja Unggul (KPKU). KPKU is a complete guideline for measuring performance adopted from the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. KPKU has also been used by many SOEs and their subsidiaries to manage and control performance towards increasing the overall effectiveness and capability of SOEs.

BUMN Performance Excellence Awards (BPEA) 2021 is the awarding of a Charter for Achievement of the Company's Excellence Level, the level of excellent performance achieved by the company is according to the results of an assessment carried out by referring to the Kriteria Penilaian Kinerja Unggul (called KPKU) which has been set by the Ministry of SOEs since 2012 .

The chairman of the SOE Excellence Forum, Agung Yunanto, said that there were three goals for holding BPEA this year, the first goal is to encourage the achievement of superior performance through the implementation of the 2020 Kriteria Penilaian Kinerja Unggul (KPKU), especially after the pandemic, the second goal is the appreciation to SOEs for achieving superior performance and the third goal is to achieve maturity in technology utilization. as well as learning media through best practice sharing from leading SOEs.