
Komitmen Perseroan untuk mewujudkan hubungan dengan pelanggan terutama terkait dengan perlindungan pelanggan dijelaskan dalam Pedoman Etika Perusahaan khususnya pada Bagian hubungan dengan pelanggan yang menjelaskan komitmen untuk memberi pelayanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan.

Customer Relations Policy

Phapros is committed to prioritizing customer satisfaction to maintain business continuity through quality services that meet industry standards.  For this reason, Phapros applies ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System for various services owned, ISO 14001 environmental management system, occupational health and safety management system employees (OHSAS 18001), Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Corporate Risk Management (CRM), and other regulations related to improving Phapros' performance.

Implementation of Activities

The implementation of social responsibility to customers is directed at the best fulfillment of the company's business contracts without any default problems. The Company also constantly measures and evaluates the level of customer satisfaction with survey methods and interactions between the   Company's employees and customers. Quality and quality policies as well as standard operating procedures are also important for the company.  The implementation of business activities by standards will provide quality products and services.

Availability of Product information

Phapros provides various media for customers to obtain information related to marketed products so that customers can easily obtain such information, namely through websites, call centers, leaflets, brochures, advertisements in print media to social media. In addition, each product and packaging is equipped with a label and information on practical instructions for the use of the drug which includes composition, indications, descriptions, and so on by the criteria that have been determined by BPOM RI.

Customer Service

To provide an opportunity for customers to express their opinions on existing services and products, Phapros opens communication channels.  Through this communication channel, customers/consumers can submit complaints experienced, and the Company immediately provides the best solution as soon as possible.   The available complaint channels are telephone, email, or mail. By opening a complaint channel and providing a solution as soon as possible, Phapros is optimistic that it will be able to increase customer trust, which in turn will create loyal customers. 

Implementation of Quality Management

As a company that pays great attention to quality, Phapros is one of five companies in Indonesia that first received Good Manufacturing Practices (Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik: CPOB) certification in 1990.   Currently,  PT Phapros  has 12  CPOB certificates which include Non-Betalactam small volume  injection,  sterile powder,  Penicillin Antibiotic injection  & its derivatives, coated tablets and tablets Non-Betalactam coating,  Cephalosporin antibiotic injection sterile powder and its derivatives, Penicillin antibiotic  oral powder and its derivatives, Penicillin antibiotic tablets, and derivatives,  Sterile powder Non-Betalactam for Injection, Non-Betalactam Tablets, Non-Betalactam Hard capsules, Non-Betalactam  Oral Powder,  Non-Betalactam oral  liquid, Non-Betalactam Semi Solid. PT Phapros also has 4 CPOTB certificates which include tablets, coated tablets, capsules, and internal medicine liquids.

Customer Satisfaction

The Company has managed customer complaints to protect customers.  During 2022, the Company has resolved the total number of complaints obtained and is committed to always maintaining customer satisfaction in the following year. Thus, the customer complaint resolution rate in 2022 was 90% of the total complaints. 

Phapros' quick and careful response to complaints submitted by customers has a positive influence on the Company.  During 2022, the Company has never faced any legal sanctions related to alleged violations of the implementation of quality management and customer satisfaction. 

Customer Satisfaction Index

As a form of the Company's seriousness in meeting customer expectations, the Company always records the results of the assessment of customer satisfaction levels that continue to strengthen, as reflected in the Customer Satisfaction Index which is routinely carried out every year. The Company routinely conducts customer satisfaction surveys or Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) the results of these surveys will be useful for the Company to be used as input material, evaluation, and improvement of the development of the Company's products and services in the future. 

In 2022, the Company obtained an average CSI score of 4.  Referring to the results of the CSI, it was concluded that the level of customer satisfaction with the Products (goods and services) and Services provided by the Company to its Customers has been meeting customer expectations and being in the "Good" category.

Qualitative Impact

On the qualitative impact of activities/programs related to responding to consumers that have been carried out by the Company, namely the level of customer complaint resolution reaches 100% of the total complaints. In addition, Phapros received various awards both at national and international levels for the innovations made and the absence of sanctions or fines given to the Company for non-compliance with laws and regulations related to the provision of services performed.  In addition, during 2022 there was no Reprimand Letter or Warning to Phapros regarding Product Labeling violations.

Operational and Financial Impact

Phapros views the social responsibility program to consumers as an investment for the company for the company's growth and sustainability and is no longer seen as a cost center but as a means of profit (profit center).  In 2022, the funds allocated as the Company's social responsibility towards products and consumers amounted to IDR4,300,000.
