October 21, 2021

Phapros Initiates Anti-Stunting Movement in National Santri Day

In commemoration of National Santri Day 2021, PT Phapros Tbk collaborated with 250 santris from 20 Islamic boarding schools simultaneously in the Sidoarjo and Gresik areas to conduct stunting prevention education. This stunting prevention education is a form of corporate social responsibility in the fields of education and health.

The event was attended at different locations by the Regent of Sidoarjo, Ahmad Muhdlor Ali, the Regent of Gresik, Fandi Akhmad Yani alongside President Director of Phapros, Hadi Kardoko and the Marketing Director of Phapros, Tri Andayani. This movement emphasizes the importance of preventing stunting from an early age by educating santris, about the benefits of blood-boosting vitamins that can help reduce the number of malnutrition caused by anemia or lack of blood.

 "Collaboration and support from the Regional Government as well as the commitment to social responsibility of the industry to provide education on stunting prevention is important, considering this is our common challenge so that the role of various parties is needed to be able to reduce stunting rates," said Hadi Kardoko, President Director of PT Phapros Tbk. .

Anemia or lack of blood is often experienced by teenagers, especially teenage girls. If in their teens they have health problems this will have an impact on disease susceptibility when they are adults. This means that, apart from being stunted, children of anemic mothers are also at greater risk of developing anemia. When the anemic child grew up and became a mother, another stunted child and other anemic conditions were born.

“Therefore, Phapros is very concerned about this. The activities carried out by Phapros are now the beginning of a series of other stunting-related social responsibilities, in collaboration with the Regional Government," added Hadi.

Meanwhile, Marketing Director of Phapros, Tri Andayani said that based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2012, there were 162 million stunted children under five and 58 percent of that number were in Asia.

"The reason is the lack of nutritional intake during pregnancy until the baby is 2 years old, and can result in growth disorders in the form of a child's height being shorter than the average normal child," said Tri Andayani.

The results of the 2019 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) show that the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is 27.67 percent, although it has decreased by 3 percent compared to 2013, this figure has not reached the WHO standard for stunting which is at 20 percent.