October 08, 2024

PAPDI XXI National Scientific Meeting 2024

The 21st National Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Association of Internal Medicine Specialists (PAPDI) 2024 which was held in Banjarmasin located at Fugo Hotel and Galaxy Hotel with the theme Update in Diagnostic Procedure and Treatment in Internal Medicine: Toward Evidence Based Competency. Attended by approximately 1,000 doctors consisting of Internal Medicine Specialists, other specialists & GPs who are collected in 39 PAPDI Branches throughout Indonesia.
In line with these objectives, PT Phapros Tbk contributed to the Booth Exihibition No. 15 event on October 4-6, 2024. This is a real proof in fostering relationships with PAPDI and networking through a personal approach to KOL (key opinion leader) as well as a means of promotion and entry point for user development of superior products such as Cardismo XR, Diafac XR, Amaropo Active, Amaropo Plus, Trampara, Tensigard and E-Some Inj.
As a form of PT Phapros Tbk's commitment to provide quality and innovative medicinal products, in this event we also introduced Cardismo XR which is an innovative product containing Isosorbide mononitrate 60 mg as Cardiac Drugs (Anti Angina) which is used more effectively once a day compared to previous dosage forms. In addition, PT Phapros Tbk introduced Trampara products (Tramadol HCl 37.5 mg, Paracetamol 325 mg) which are more pharmacoeconomic and quality and PT Phapros Tbk's Fitofarmaka products, namely Tensigard which contains celery extract and cat whiskers as Cardiac Supplements that can overcome high blood pressure which is equivalent to amlodipine 5 mg in 12 weeks of use.