April 29, 2015

Call For General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Phapros Tbk. Fiscal Year 2014

The Board of Directors of PT Phapros, Tbk. (“the Company”) is pleased to invite shareholders to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders (“the Meeting”) that will be held on:

Day : Thursday
Date : May 21, 2015
Time : 08.30 WIB – onwards
Place : Gumaya Tower Hotel Semarang, Jl. Gajah mada No. 59-61 Semarang 50134.

The agenda of the General Meeting are:

1. Reports of the Board of Directors of the Company regarding the Company’s businesses including the supervisory duty of the Board of Commissioners for the book ended on December 31, 2014

2. Approval and Ratification of the Balance Sheet and Profit / Loss of the book year ended on December 31, 2014 as well as to fully acquit the responsibility (acquit et de charge) of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company towards management actions and supervision for the book ended on December 31, 2014.

3. Establishment and Approval of the use of the Company’s profit for the book ended on December 31, 2014

4. Independent Public Accountant Appointment to audit the Company’s Financial Report for the book that will be ended on December 31, 2015 and granting authority to the Board of Directors to determine honorarium and other requirements related to the appointment.

5. To determine honorarium/salary and other allowances for the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company

6. Change in management structure of the Company

7. Adjustment of the Company’s charter to the Financial Services Authority no. 32 / POJK.04 / 2014 , no. 33 / POJK.04 / 2014 , no. 34 / POJK.04 / 2014

1. Plan and Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders is held based on the regulation of the Financial Services Authority No. 32/POJK.04/2014.

2. Those who are entitled to attend or to be represented at the Meeting are those whose names are recorded on the List of Shareholders of the Company on April 28, 2015 at 16.00 WIB.

3. Materials related to the agenda of the meeting are available for all shareholders from the date of this meeting call

4. Shareholders who are likely to attend the Meeting are requested to submit copy of Shares Certificate and copy of valid ID or driver’s license to the company’s officer before entering the Meeting room

5. Shareholders who are unable to attend the Meeting can be represented by proxy with a letter stamped Rp 6.000,-
a. Proxy form is obtainable every working days starts from today at the Company’s office, and the original Proxy Letter must be received back by the Board of Directors of the Company no later than May 18, 2015, by enclosing: Copy of valid ID of Authorizer
b. Copy of valid ID of Proxy
c. Copy of Authorizer’s Shares Certificate

6. The Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners and Employee of the Company can be acted as shareholder’s proxy, but their voice will not be counted in the vote

7. To ease the arrangement and to order the meeting, the shareholders and the proxies are kindly requested to be ready at the meeting room 45 minutes before the Meeting begins

8. The Meeting call is also posted on the Company’s website www.phapros.co.id


Semarang, April 29, 2015
Board of Directors