September 22, 2021
Assistance for the Manarul Mabrur Pudak Payung Semarang Foundation
Yayasan Manarul Mabrur located in Pudak Payung Semarang was built to accommodate children who have been abandoned by their parents, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Currently, there are 49 children in the foundation, and 11 of them are still babies under a few months old.
With this situation in mind, Phapros, through its CSR program, has helped the operational needs of the foundation by providing baby supplies such as milk, diapers, clothing, powder, soap, wet tissue, and snacks. On September 22, 2021, CSR Phapros and GM Corsec delivered the aid. The hope is that this assistance can alleviate and meet the needs of Yayasan Manarul Mabrur.