April 04, 2018
Invitation of Annual General Meting of Shareholders Fiscal Year 2017
The Board of Directors of PT Phapros Tbk (“the Company”) hereby invites the Shareholders of the Company to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS”) on:
Day : Thursday
Date : April 26, 2018
Time : 09.00 WIB (western Indonesian time) - end
Venue :Gumaya Tower Hotel Semarang, Jalan Gajah Mada No. 59-61 Semarang 50134
1. The approval of the Company’s Annual Report for the year of 2017, including Reports of the Board of Directors of the Company regarding to the Company’s Business and Report of Supervisory Duty of the Board of Commissioner and Ratification of the Financial Statements of the Company ended on December 31, 2017 along with granting full release and discharge (acquit et de harge) to the Board of Directors and Commissioners from the management actions and supervisory actions carried out for the book year of 2017.
2. The approval of the use of the Company’s Net Profits for the financial year of 2017.
3. The determination of the remuneration (salary, allowance and facilities) for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company for the year of 2018 as well as tantiem for the year of 2017.
4. The appointment of Registered Public Accountants Firm to perform the audit on the Company’s Financial Statements for the book year ended December 31, 2018.
5. Capital increase of the Company by Pre-emptive Rights (HMETD).
6. Change of the Company’s Article of Association.
7. Change of the Company’s Management Structure
- Point 1 to 4 of the agenda is a routine agenda in Company’s AGMS.
- Point 5 and 6 of the agenda is a meeting agenda with due regard to the quorum requirement in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies and related regulations issued by the financial services authority (OJK).
- Point 7 of the agenda is additional agenda with respect to the term of Director.
1. Planning and holding of the AGMS is held based on regulation issued by the financial services authority No. 32/POJK.04/2014 concerning Planning and Holding General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Limited Companies.
2. Those who are entitled to attend or to be represented at the Meeting are those whose names are listed in the List of Shareholders of the Company on March 28, 2018 at 16.00 of Western Indonesian Time.
3. Materials related to the agenda of AGMS are available for Shareholders from the date of this invitation at the Company’s Office and Company website at www.phapros.co.id.
4. Shareholders who are likely to attend the AGMS are requested to submit copy of Shares Certificate and copy of valid ID or any other valid identities to the Company’s officer before entering the AGMS venue.
5. Any Shareholders unable to attend the Meeting can be represented by its proxy with a Power of Attorney stamped Rp 6000,-. The form of the Power of Attorney can be obtained during working hours at the Company’s Office. All The Power of Attorney that has been fully filled must be received back by the Company Directors at the latest on April 20, 2018, by enclosing:
a. Copy of valid National Identity Card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)) of Authorizer;
b. Copy of valid ID of Proxy;
c. Copy of Authorizer’s Shares Certificate.
6. The Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners and Employee of the Company can be acted as Shareholder’s proxy, but their ballot shall not be included in the total number of Votes cast during the AGMS.
7. To ease the the arrangement and to order the AGMS, the Shareholders and the Proxies are kindly requested to be ready at the AGMS venue 30 minutes before the AGMS begins.
8. This AGMS Invitation is also published on the Company website at www.phapros.co.id.
Semarang, April 4, 2018